There are several groups and regular activities at the church.

Junior Church

The Junior Church meets in the adjacent hall on all Sundays in term time (and on other occasions as arranged.) They join the rest of the congregation at the Offertory and return to the hall after they have received a blessing.

On the first Sunday of the month the children serve at the main mass, lead the prayers, and sometimes produce a play to replace the sermon. A Christmass Party is arranged during the Christmass period (usually in early January) and activities are organised on Good Friday from 1200-1430 when Stations of the Cross around Burslem Park (weather permitting) see a number of adults joining the children in this act of witness and devotion.

Babies and Toddlers’ Group 10.00 am Wednesday in term time.

This is a very friendly and active group, members of the congregation setting up the play space and running the kitchen. There are many toys and a ”playdough” area. Orange juice and fruit are provided for the children – tea, coffee, oatcakes, tea cakes, toast etc. for the adults.

There is a small charge for admission – all profits going to to the replacement of equipment. All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult, male or female. The group concludes at 1145.

Mothers’ Union 2.00 pm First Wednesday in each month.

There is always a varied programme. The meetings take place in the church hall and conclude with prayers followed by Church of England tea & biscuits. All are welcome to the meetings.

Branch Leader – Mrs. Ruth Walker – 01782 817106.

Bingo 2.30 pm Last Thursday in each month.

More of a social gathering. Prizes and not money are the order of the day.